Datenschutz FASS KEG

Wir freuen uns über Ihren Besuch auf unserer Website und Ihr Interesse an unseren Leistungen. Ein Besuch unserer Website ist ohne Angabe von personenbezogenen Daten möglich. Der Schutz Ihrer Privatsphäre und der sorgfältige Umgang mit Ihren persönlichen Daten ist uns sehr wichtig. Selbstverständlich halten wir uns hierbei an die datenschutzrechtlichen Vorschriften der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO) und an das Bundesdatenschutzgesetz. Nachfolgend möchten wir Sie über die Erhebung und Verwendung von personenbezogenen Daten informieren.

1. processing of personal data when contacting us

Personal data is only collected and processed on this website if you provide it to us voluntarily as part of the personalisation on our contact form (first and last name, email address, telephone). We use the personal data provided to us exclusively to answer your enquiry and for further communication with you on the basis of pre-contractual measures in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. b DS-GVO.

2. processing of personal data in a contractual relationship

For the personal data collected within the scope of a business relationship or for the fulfilment of a contract, the processing of the data is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DS- GVO.
For this purpose, we may pass on the necessary data for order processing to commissioned service providers (e.g. IT service providers). The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b and f DS-GVO. The data may only be processed by the service providers for the commissioned purposes. Your data will not be passed on to third parties for other purposes.

3. log-file data

When you access our website, information is automatically sent to our website by our provider and temporarily stored in log files. These are:

Browser type and browser version
Operating system used
Referrer URL
Host name of the accessing computer
Time of the server request
IP address

The data is stored to ensure a smooth connection and to ensure system security and for administrative purposes based on a legitimate interest according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DS-GVO. This data is not merged with other data sources or used to draw conclusions about your person.

4. Cookies

No cookies are currently used.

5. data security

We protect the privacy of the users of our website and the connected systems through technical and organisational measures. To ensure the secure transmission of personal data, we use the TLS 1.2 encryption protocol (RSA-2048 is used as the underlying encryption method for the public key infrastructure). All personal data is thereby encrypted and thus securely transmitted on the Internet. You will recognise by a symbol (closed padlock) in the window bar of your browser that you are moving in a secured area.

6. storage period of the data

We store the data collected within the scope of the business relationship and contract processing for as long as it is required to comply with the commercial and tax retention regulations according to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. c DS-GVO as well as § 257 Para. 1 HGB and 147 Para. 2 AO.

7. controller for the processing of personal data

The controller for the processing of personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation is FASSKEG QCG GmbH Flössaustrasse 7, 90763 Fürth, Germany, e-mail:

8. rights of access and complaint

According to the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to free information about your stored data and, if applicable, the right to correction, deletion, restriction of processing and to object to your stored data. For this purpose, please contact CoolSystem KEG GmbH Flössaustrasse 7, 90763 Fürth, e-mail:
You can contact our data protection officer at In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint about data protection with the supervisory authority responsible for us (The Bavarian State Commissioner for Data Protection,

9. data transfers to third countries

The processing of data generally takes place in Germany or countries of the European Union. Insofar as processing in third countries is planned in certain cases, processing will only take place if the adequacy of the level of data protection in the third country has been determined by the EU Commission in accordance with Art. 45 of the GDPR or on the basis of the EU standard contractual clauses.

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